Dexter's Product Ideal@NIE English Bridging Course

                ψ- Pole Monocycle

    probably the shortest cut to millionaire        


What is the name of my product?

ψ- Pole Monocycle


What can ψ- Pole Monocycle do?

  • Strengthen your body (help lose weight)

  • Enhance sense of balance

  • A cool, fashionable style of transport

How does ψ- Pole Monocycle work/how is it used?

Stand on it→Rock→Oscillate back and forth→It moves forward


What are the key features of it? Why should you invest in it?

  • Mini (foldaway)

  • Convenient (extremely light)

  • Flexible (Double ball bearings)

  • Effective (help lose weight quickly)

  • Funny (do whatever you want on it)

Reason: Good benefits (see below), and because of it is unique, there will be no no competition.


What is the cost?

Sold@1 for S$78, total cost less than S$20

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ψ- Pole Monocycle

Figure 3.

 *Source from:

Related Links

Particular description of my product

More details for my products

Cutaway view of the product

A second view from frontispiece

Side view of the product

Another view from side


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copyright©2006, Dexter